Saturday, March 14, 2009

What's The Value????

salam…… hOla… =)

I really blank.. i mean.. i don't really have something to type. haha..

i do have blogs, but in some other site. I'll paste some of it here.. i like those, i miss the moment i wrote it. REALLY....

this post.. read it. sit and think. this is what I have to say about TRUE FRIENDS....

I'm a GOLD that fears no FIRE

waahhhhh.... it hv been a long tym since i actively jOining my$%#@^. huhu.

my status is i m damn bOred being arOund lOser n pOser "i used to be 1, n it feel suck, badmOuth, backstabbed my 'friends'. i'm such a loser!" nOw i'm TRYING TO B REAL!!!!!

well.... i dunno exactly what your perception towards me. to those who've been hurt, i'm sorry, never mean it (to some, yes, i meant it cuz sumhOw u deserved it) haha.

i'm trying to b nice, but i'm just a human, i'm sorry... i loves all my frens. i'm sorry.. i cant b a good fren coz it is almost impossible to be 1. i'm not a loser.... but when being around lOsers, u'll b 1.. (get what i mean??) mOral.... b frens with evrybOdy n be only gOod to "REAL FRENS!!" =)

what make me post this shit??? my communication skill class.... it taught me a lot abOut life. so i'm getting a real life.... nO more being loser, poser or whatsoever....

just being ' SI REBUNG '.. will do my best.

i POSTED it as a bulletin, never thought that some will read n post it back. geee!! thanks!

here’s the response..

are we loser?? are we not??


how wud yuu described a demmly true fren??

lets talk….

do we need to stand beside her for 1 and half yer??

do we need to share all da tears and epines togeter??

do we need to pretend and just being hypocrite??

but at da end of it..

did we being stabbed??

did we being hurt??

did we being.. betrayed??

shud we regret all da memories??

shud we sent da fren away??

and da only we can do..

stay calm even we badly in pain….

stay wit da way we are..

stay wit da real true fren….


only frens noe how frens act like…only frens noe wut do’s and wut dont”s..

to yuu,,

i sent back ur knife so yuu can use it again….

again wit ur another fren….

true frens doesnt hav to change to be around true frens….

true frens.. are da way they are from da moment they met..

so take it,love it and learn from it..

so yuu will neva lost ur true fren….

and diz is wat my hearts n mind said…

how can u say, “i’m ur true friend”?? you’re the 1 whO say it, or your friends will say so??


2b a TRUE frens, it is nOt abOut how lOng we knew each other… u might be friends with sOmeone over what? let say 10 years, is she or he is ur true frens?? they’re can be and they can be nOt. but i strOngly say, it is NOT. it is nOt abOut TIME.

to be a TRUE frens is 2b 2geta.. in evry ups n dOwns…. i really mean it. UPS n DOWNS ok? Am i a TRUE friend? i admit, i’m NOT. i’m a gOod listener, a gOod adviser. I’ve been through a lots. I did falls for millions of time. I can't always cry over my friends prOblems… i did cry for my friends, but nOt all the times… and i never laugh over my frens sadness or pain.. its mean, isn't it? what I’m trying tO say is, its hard to be wit your frens in every he/her UPS n DOWNS… but i tried and will always try to be with my friends…

2b a TRUE frens, do we need to pretend and just being hypocrite?? we don't but when your ‘TRUE’ frens is a pretender and hypocrites, you’ll simply be 1. get it?? no offense but it will happen.

i say it, cuz i’v been arOund them n i’v been 1,before. i’m nOt d only 1, some of them also jOined d league. me, i’v learnt 2 badmouth nOt only my true frens, but also thOse whO i dun even nOe. stupid am i? anOtha frens, frOm an innOcent gal, dOwn 2earth, piOUs, has turned 2 some1 new, far away frOm who she really is.

i’m getting myself back by avOiding them… especially her.. why am i avOiding herTHEM?? cuz she seem like she's still live in stupidity (is there any term suits her well?) she refused to admit this prObs sumhOw cOmes frOm her acts n dun want 2 change her immatured mind n thats cOmpletely not my faults. i’m trying 2b gOod n she just cant accept it. so.. OFF U GO my dear.

n i can say dat..

i’v been stabbed, i’v been hurt, i’v been betrayed, i did regret all da memories, n i did sent SOME of my TRUE frens away.

all i do now is b a better person. live my life to the max. be real.. gain a good self value.. n study harder.

but to all my frens, again, i’m not a good fren, but i’m still your frens… i’ve changed. i use to be a bitch, a loser, a poser, i admit dat. but my “YOUNG&STUPID” session has cOme to the end, so i’ve changed myself. i have to be a good person for me before being a good fren for u..

n if u said " true frens doesnt hav to change to be around true frens…. true frens are da way they are from da moment they met”, i’m sorry… thers nO such things. peoples change, right? whether to a better person or the other way arOund.

again, TRUE frens is being 2geta in our ups n downs, right? sit dOwn n think, do u think u’r a TRUE or are you even a GOOD frens???

to you my dear….

i sent back ur WORDS so u can eat it..

which u always used to your frens….

n a little advise, u are no longer a kid, i give u chance to ask me anything n etc, but u said nothing. i’v explained evrything n hope evrything went good but u seem like u cant or dOnt want 2let gO.

all i cn say now is, mind ur own biz, cuz i wil only do my own thing… n GROW UP. stop bringing otha frens in diz issue, it is btween US. so let it b dat way. and my dear, i’m not d only 1 whO dislike u, there's tOns of them out there, arOund u. they jz dislike u, not hated u….. yet. so u just gO change yourself. b a REAL GOOD person n stOp putting ur mistakes on ur frens shOulder. don't act clever, u close to it but your not there yet. and you know what, keep this in your mind, this is btween u and me. i’m not going too stand that low arOund you anymore cuz i’m much more better than u. much2 more..=D

and not forgetting, THANX, i have took it, loved it and COMPLETELY learnt from it..

to be nOt just a gOOd FREN, but also a GOOD n BETTER person. ALHAMDULILLAH...

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