Saturday, July 4, 2009


makin kita tercari-cari diri

makin kita kenal dengan budi pekerti
yang mudah sangat tergelincir jadi abdi.

ada sape2 faham???

tonight i feel very2 sad.. very2.
rase useless. alone.
ntahla... everything seems..... MESSED UP.
i dont know why.

THEY hate me. LOATH, dats d word.
but THEY r all i HAVE.
without them, i rather die.
without them, i cant find the meaning of LIFE.
but now they turning their back. refuse to let me explain wats going on.

what shud i DO now?
what shud i SAY?
what shud i think of?
where shud i head to?

too many questions... but


and the quotes.. it means.

"kalau nak kenal Allah, kau kenal la kekasihnya yakni Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. kalau kau nak kenal Nabi Muhammad, kau kenal la diri kau.."

sebab ape bile kita kenal diri kita sbenarnya..
kita kenal ape itu baik dan ape itu jahat..

fitrah manusia bukan utk buat jahat tapi sentiasa berlaku baik..

so kalau fitrah manusia tu baik.. maka Nabi itu manusia yang terbaik..
kalau Nabi itu manusia yang terbaik.. maka yang menciptanya adalah YANG MAHA TERBAIK..

so kite perlu ada and kenal budi pekerti.
"tergelincir la jadi abdi", sebab kite ni hambaNYA..

now i feel a lil relief... i wish i can sleep now n not having bad dreams, AGAIN.


1 comment:

  1. Well then the essential of all the complicated stuff is simply just wisdom, knowledge and better judgment thats it.


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