Friday, October 15, 2010

... DANCE ....

ouh my GUCCI!!!

i don't dance already, pity me. **sobs**
i miss it.
well i'm getting fatter and heavier everyday~~~
ouh, my balance, getting worse i think.
i need that STEPS. huhuhu

ouh, watch this guys!!! i can only feel satisfied in dancing thingy when i can do something like this???? thehehehehehe... AMAZING~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

.. OCTOBER 2010 ..


been HIDING for a longgggggggggggggggg time. hehe

no la... busy with Raya, job hunting n etc....

so... what to update?? urm.. i got job already. which the job is SO OUT OF MY FIELD.
but i kinda like it. well, new thing, need to learn, AGAIN....


my wish and mode at the moment???
1>> i wish i can go out for a walk/jog
2>> i wish i can dance all nyte long
3>> i wish i can be more FIT and HEALTHY and LUCKY. thehehe
4>> i wish i will never gona regret my decision in doing this banking thingy.

so... wat else?? please, dont ask anything about love and boyfriend. huhu.
>>> reminding my ownself. grrrrrrrrr

:: cant wait for my very 1st salary!!! ::